
12 Idiom Bahasa Inggris yang Kerap Muncul dalam Meeting Kerja

idiom meeting bahasa inggris

Penting bagi kalian untuk mengetahui idiom yang digunakan saat meeting. Terutama kalau kalian bekerja di perusahaan-perusahaan yang memakai bahasa Inggris sebagai salah satu bahasa penuturnya. Selain itu, mengenal idiom tersebut membantu kalian memahami isi pertemuan maupun menyampaikan opini di depan klien dan rekan kerja.

Berikut ini ada daftar idiom bahasa inggris yang digunakan saat meeting untuk kalian pelajari.

  1. Take part (berpartisipasi)

Shane was sick, so he could’t take part in the meeting yesterday.

I do not want to take part in their argument.

  1. At all (semuanya)

Martha said that she did not have any cash at all.

When I asked Mr. Robin whether he waired, he said, “Not at all!”

  1. Look up (mencari)

Firman said that he did not know the important client’s number, but he’d look up in the phone book.

If you want to look up the guest list, please contact the secretary.

  1. Wait on (menghadirkan/menghadiri)

A believable staff waits on his boss in the lobby for the important meeting.

The client waited on the last year’s report from us.

  1. At least (minimal/setidaknya)

Every staff should come to the meeting room at least 15 minutes earlier.

You have to give the report at least tomorrow, before lunch.

  1. So far (sejauh ini)

So far, the participants who will attend the seminar are from Singapore and Indonesia.

How much budget you have collected so far?

  1. Take a seat (silakan duduk)

The CEO asked us to take a seat before he starts the meeting.

“Please, take a seat. I want to discuss some important ideas.”

  1. Try on (mencoba/mengetes/menguji)

He tried on several products before he chose a believable brand.

It is necessary for us to try on their product before we offer the contract.

  1. Think over (mempertimbangkan)

We need to think over their offer. It seems promising for our company.

Alisa and Miry do not have to decide this project at once. They can think over and give us their opinion tomorrow.

  1. Take place (terjadi/berlangsung)

Don’t miss the meeting tomorrow! It takes place in Paradise Hotel at 10am.

“Where did the project take place? Did they finish it in one day as expected?”

  1. Put away (mengembalikan sesuatu/benda ke tempatnya)

After Nana finished reading the monthly report, she put it away in her safe.

The manager told me to put his case away before he left the building.

  1. Wait for (menunggu)

We will wait for you at the parking lot, so we can go to the hotel together.

They have waited for more than an hour, but they didn’t get the report they wanted.

Itulah 12 idiom bahasa Inggris yang paling sering digunakan dalam meeting. Satu hal yang perlu kalian perhatikan, setiap idiom yang tertera kadang mempunyai arti atau makna berbeda, tergantung dari situasi atau konteks kalimat yang digunakan. Maka, kalian harus teliti memilah idiom sebelum memakainya dalam pertemuan penting.

Baca juga: Penggunaan Kata Must dan Might yang Tepat Beserta Contohnya.

Semoga informasi seputar idiom yang digunakan saat meeting ini membantu kalian melancarkan urusan kerja maupun komunikasi dengan klien untuk menghindari kesalahpahaman, ya!

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