Kampung Inggris LC

25+ Contoh Dialog Expressing Sympathy dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kampung Inggris Pare menjadi masyur namanya karena telah terbukti mencetak ribuan orang dalam menguasai keterampilan bahasa Inggris yang baik. Suasana yang kondusif serta budaya yang unik di Pare membuat proses belajar bahasa Inggris menjadi semakin menyenangkan dan optimal.


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Expressing sympathy berarti mengungkapkan rasa prihatin atau simpati kepada mereka yang mengalami hal buruk, kesedihan, atau duka cita. Kita bisa memahami lebih baik expression of sympathy dengan mencari tahu contoh-contohnya seperti apa. Kali ini akan dibahas contoh-contoh dialog yang menggambarkan expression of sympathy tersebut. 

Contoh Dialog Tentang Expressing Sympathy Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Agar kamu bisa lebih memahami seperti apa itu expressing sympathy, kamu bisa simak beberapa contohnya di bawah ini:

Contoh 1

Adel: My close friend’s father died today and now I’m very sad

Ashel: I’m so sorry to hear that, you were very close to him so you must be very sad.

Contoh 2

Christy: I’m so sad because my exam grades are so bad

Cindy: It’s okay Christy, it can happen, you can fix it.

Contoh 3

Eve: My mom died yesterday and I don’t know what to do with my life.

Feni: I’m so sorry about that, you can cry anytime Eve.

Contoh 4

Flora: Freya, I don’t think I can make it to work today, my house is burnt down.

Freya: Please accept my pure condolences. My friends and I will help you.

Contoh 5

Jessi: Jinan, my car is gone somewhere and I now don’t know what to do.

Jinan: I hope you can find your car back soon, trust me the police will do the rest.

Contoh 6

Kathrina: Lulu, my grandfather is hospitalized and I’m apprehensive.

Lulu: I’m sorry to hear that bad news, I hope your grandfather is okay.

Contoh 7

Marsha: I’m sad that I didn’t qualify for the HYBE audition again this time

Muthe: In your difficult time like now, I hope you’re still passionate about your goal.

Contoh 8

Olla: I just met my grandma yesterday and today she’s no longer in the world.

Zee: My deepest condolences on the loss of your grandmother.

Contoh 9

Oniel: I lost my wallet at the station

Asha: Have you tried looking for your wallet? I hope someone has filed a missing person report.

Contoh 10

Ara: I lost my expensive watch somewhere

Chika: That’s too bad, I’m so sorry to hear your bad news, you only bought it recently.

Contoh 11

Fiony: Eli, I just got word that there’s been a flood in my hometown

Eli: I just heard it on the news too, I’m so sorry to hear your bad news, I hope everything is alright.

Contoh 12

Indira: I’ve lost my job now because of a serious mistake I made.

Ella: My prayers and wishes will always be with you for your current condition.

Contoh 13

Lyn: I didn’t pass the job test again and I’m so tired of it

Cynthia: I pray that God can give you good fortune.

Contoh 14

Anin: Did you know that Yori’s mom is gone?

Alya: Words can’t show how sad I am about the bad news.

Contoh 15

Indah: I’m sorry I couldn’t make it this time, I have a recurrence of my stomach disease.

Gracia: I’m sorry to hear that, I hope you recover quickly.

Contoh 16

Shania: My parents had a big fight last night and I don’t know where my mom is.

Ashel: I’m sorry to hear that, at this difficult time of yours, I hope you can keep your cool.

Contoh 17

Cindy: I had a really bad day this time, I lost my favorite bracelet and fell down the stairs at school.

Feni: I was heartbroken by your bad day, but it can happen sometimes.

Contoh 18

Freya: Have you seen the exam results? I got low scores

Kathrina: I’m sorry to hear that, but you were quite serious about preparing for it

Contoh 19

Marsha: I just got the news that my missing cat is gone.

Olla: That’s so sad, you love that cat so much, I want to expressing sympathy so badly to you.

Contoh 20

Oniel: My singing performance was not considered good by the judges

Ara: I understand how you feel, I hope you can do better next time.

Contoh 21

Fiona: I wasn’t good enough in this concert performance

Indira: Hope you can overcome it

Contoh 22

Lyn: I seem to have really bad vertigo right now.

Anin: You should go to the hospital right away, I wish you a speedy recovery.

Contoh 23

Indah: I was mistreated by my boss over a small matter

Shani: What a bad day it was, my prayers are with you

Contoh 24

Azizi: Did you know that Gita is getting a divorce?

Feni: Yeah, I pray and hope the best for her

Contoh 25

Celine: Have you seen the latest job acceptance test results? I didn’t get in.

Dena: Yes, I’ve seen them, I’m sorry to hear you didn’t get the job, I hope you get a better opportunity.

Itulah beberapa kalimat yang memperlihatkan expressing sympathy, semoga bermanfaat. Pelajari agar kamu makin mahir berbahasa Inggris. 

Agar proses belajarmu makin seru dan efektif, kamu bisa bergabung bareng 1000 siswa lainnya di Kampung Inggris Pare. 

Tidak hanya belajar, di sini kamu juga bisa langsung mengimplementasikan bahasa Inggris pada kegiatan sehari-hari. Sangat suportif bukan? 

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