
Learn a Lot of Things About English and Also About Respectful, Discipline, Confident (Ahmad Imron from Belitung)

testimoni kampung inggris

*The Untold Story Of English Master 15*

Kursus Bahasa Inggris

The story began in 2017 when i just graduated on october and i just accomplished my 3 years degree in one of the best universities in bangka belitung. Apparently, all things that i have before brought me to a new question “Where am i going after this ?”. People say that “people who have found achievement need to find something bigger to keep feeling alive”.

So that’s way, i need something new in my life, something that i can’t get in my comfort zone, and try to find what the meaning of family and what the meaning of life. For me, there will always be parts of life which are hidden. I decided to keep searching for those meanings and choosing to always ready to be surprised, because life is always full of surprises. At the point, i decided to create a new step in the story of my life.

I decided to start new journey in my life. I only thought, in new journey i have to demand myself to be better and also try to be independently without family on surrounding me. I took English course in Language Center (LC). as far as i know LC is the best courses place at English village, Kediri, East Java.

I went to english village on 11 November 2017. I joined with english master 15, I stayed in luxurious camp with Mr. Dino and Mr. Daeng as tutors of camp. To be honest, I really like be there, I have a lot of friends and was a great student back then.

I thought what makes a place feel like at home is where my friends are. Literally, the most interesting part of my journey is when i met people that I didn’t know, but I felt like they were like brothers to me, like an old friend. They are Fadli, Budi, Daffa. They are my roommates back then. Fadli is the best student in EM-15 and he is very humble. Budi has wise personality and good leader. The last is daffa, a young man who has potential and spirit to chase his dream.

When I was in Language Center(LC), I met with bunch of tutors in Language Center(LC) and they have influenced me a lot. I learn a lot of things about English and also about respectful, discipline, confident and how to learn english easily.

Every monday until Friday, after dawn prayer we had to memorize 50 vocabularies and 10 expressions, and we must hand it directly one by one with Mr. Dino or Mr. Daeng as tutors of camp. After i have already memorized vocabularies. I had to prepare my self to join main class such as speaking class, grammar class, Pronunciation class at cetera.

After all of main class, I have night class with our tutors of camp. Definitely, there are many memorable moment that I did together with all of member english master 15 such as final examination in Bali, outbound, farewell party. but there’s one thing that I can’t forget about, it’s about the atmosphere which really enjoyable.

For me, the most interesting part that I miss is when we’re fasting and pray together back then. after 4 months in Language Center (LC) I might say I’ve grown quite fond of it, but on march 10th we had to finish all of stories and we had to seperated each other. We had to head home to our home. for the first time I felt that I can’t accept this, i don’t want to believe it. That’s come to be my turning point, i realized this is what i mean life is full of surprises. All of feeling that i feel make me even more surprised with life.

Actually, I find what I really chased in Language Center(LC). The meaning of family and life. apparently, family isn’t only about people who has blood ties with us. family is all of us, everyone who has laughed and cried together with us, everyone who has shared their feelings and inspiring each other. at the same time, I realized, life consist by encounter and seperation. We can’t avoid it, we need to face it and let the universe decide. all stories and memories back then make me realized, this journey is more than about me and what I really chased. This journey is about how the Universe always has the ways to make me surprised and amazed. So grateful and so blessed to be there back then, for everyone in english master 15, you will always present in my yearning.

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Ahmad Imron, English Master 15 from Belitung

testimoni kampung inggris

Masih banyak cerita pengalaman belajar dari alumni Kampung Inggris LC lainnya, salah satuya adalah cerita dari Ahmad Hidayat asal Yogyakarta.

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