
Auxiliary Verb dalam Bahasa Inggris, Jenis, dan Contohnya

Mengenal Auxiliary Verb dalam Bahasa Inggris

Auxiliary verb dalam bahasa Inggris adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi membantu menyambungkan dua kata dalam satu kalimat. Selain menyambungkan, auxiliary verb juga punya fungsi penting lain, yaitu untuk memberikan atau mengubah arti kata-kata yang ada dalam kalimat.

Kursus Bahasa Inggris

Dalam bahasa Inggris, ada empat jenis auxiliary verb, yaitu be, do, have, dan modals. Mau kenal lebih dalam lagi dengan keempat auxiliary verb tersebut? Simak baik-baik penjelasan lengkapnya dari Kampung Inggris di bawah ini!


Dalam bahasa Inggris, be meliputi is, am, are, was, were, been, being, dan to be. Be biasa digunakan untuk menerangkan adjective, noun, dan present participle. Penggunaannya harus disesuaikan dengan subject yang mendahuluinya.



I Am was
He Is
You Are were

*been, being, dan to be tidak dimasukkan karena ketiganya bersifat kondisional, tergantung bentuk kalimat


  • She’s been a kind and caring friend for us
  • They’re being patient now in order to avoid being scolded again
  • If you want to be a bird, I’ll become a bird too!
  • He is so polite, particularly to the elderly people
  • I am crying right now, I can’t stand watching this tearjerker movie
  • It is the most saddening movie I ever watched in 10 years
  • She was told to shut up about her past experience
  • I was thinking about you when you suddenly came out of nowhere
  • They are trying to push the van out of the snow pile
  • We were so young when our parents left us here


Do adalah auxiliary verb untuk menerangkan verb, yang meliputi do, does, did, dan done. Do/does digunakan untuk present tense, did digunakan untuk past tense, sedangkan done digunakan untuk past perfect tense.

Akan tetapi do, does, dan did lebih sering muncul dalam kalimat berbentuk negatif.

I Do did done
He Does


  • You do not understand what I exactly feel
  • Actually, they don’t know about the real story, they just act as they know
  • She does know about what you’ve been doing all this time
  • He doesn’t care about what people said, all he knows is just to work hard
  • We didn’t do it together the last time we met 5 years ago!
  • Finally, she did break the rules, following her close friends
  • I have done with this, I wouldn’t come back again even if they ask me
  • She’s done waiting for you, and now she’ll be married to another guy
  • You do care about her, don’t you? You just don’t have guts to tell her
  • We don’t have time to do this useless task!


Selanjutnya kita akan membahas auxiliary verb yang hanya digunakan dalam bentuk perfect tense, yaitu have, has, dan had. Have digunakan dalam present dan future perfect, has untuk present perfect, dan had untuk past perfect.

Dalam kalimat, auxiliary have biasanya diikuti dengan verb bentuk past participle (V3). Akan tetapi apabila ada “been” yang mengikutinya, maka verb berikutnya juga bisa berbentuk past atau present participle.

I Have had have
He Has


  • I’ve done with you, I wouldn’t remember you anymore
  • It has been decided that the next king will be Prince Phillips
  • William had retired when my grandfather died a year ago
  • She’s been waiting for her family for 3 hours, but no one picks up her until now
  • They will have gone when you finish your tasks
  • He will have finished the competition when we come to support him
  • They had eaten all the food stored in the refrigerator
  • I have tried to call your parent, but no one answered
  • Father has returned to home at 5 this morning
  • We will have arrived at the next town by dawn


Di antara auxiliary verb yang sudah dijelaskan sebelumnya, modals memiliki fungsi yang sedikit lebih luas. Modals adalah auxiliary verb yang bisa menunjukkan kesanggupan, kemungkinan, sekaligus pemberian izin.

Dalam bahasa Inggris, modals terdiri dari can, could, be able to, may, might, shall, should, must, have to, will, dan would.


  • I can tell the world that I love you, forever love you
  • Maybe we could do that later, and focus on this urgent project
  • May I go to school with Paul, Mom? He’ll be arriving at half-past six
  • They might hide the real facts to the rest of us
  • You shall not go outside when there’s a blizzard
  • She should inform it as detailed as she could, or she’ll jeopardize her team
  • We must tell Mom about this, she’ll be so mad if she finds out by herself
  • I have to go now, I would never move anymore if I stay here just another second
  • Stella will come to this room some minutes later, we need to prepare before it


Yep, itulah penjelasan singkat tapi mendalam tentang auxiliary verb untukmu ya, LCers! Akan tetapi belajar bahasa Inggris otodidak aja nggak cukup lho, kamu perlu belajar intensif bareng expert-expert bahasa Inggris!

Dan Kampung Inggris Pare adalah tempat yang sempurna buat kamu jago bahasa Inggris! Di sini, ada banyak banget teacher yang bisa jadi source buat kamu melancarkan bahasa Inggris-mu sampai level tinggi!

Belum sempat datang ke Kampung Inggris sekarang? Oke, mungkin kamu tertarik untuk belajar materi ini dulu: Pengertian dan Contoh Phrasal Verb

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