
Pengertian Homophone dan Contohnya

Pengertian Homophone

Pernah nggak kamu kesulitan membedakan pronunciation dari “good” dan “goat”? Kesalahan kecil macam itu tentunya nggak asing pas  dulu kamu baru belajar bahasa Inggris, kan? Faktanya, kesalahan pengucapan semacam itu sebenarnya nggak papa lho. Karena dalam bahasa Inggris, ada yang namanya homophone. Sebenarnya, apa sih homophone itu? Kampung Inggris LC akan menjelaskan pengertian homophone dan contohnya untukmu.

Kursus Bahasa Inggris

Apa Itu Homophone?

Dalam bahasa Inggris, homophone diartikan sebagai sekelompok kata yang memiliki pronunciation hampir mirip (bahkan sama persis), tapi artinya berbeda. Di dalam materi pronunciation, homophone memiliki tempat yang spesial, karena bisa membuat pembelajar bahasa Inggris makin luwes lidahnya.


I rose from sleeping, and took a beautiful rose from the vas beside me

Akan tetapi bagi yang belum terbiasa, pasti akan kesulitan saat berhadapan dengan homophone. Jadi buat kamu-kamu yang masih belajar, silakan terus perluas wawasan vocabulary dan lancarkan pronunciationnya.

Contoh Homophone dalam Kehidupan Sehari-Hari

Dalam kamus bahasa Inggris, ada cukup banyak homophone yang tersedia. Ada satu kata yang memiliki tiga, empat, bahkan lima homophone sekaligus. Tapi sebagian besar kata hanya memiliki satu homophone saja.

Supaya kamu lebih mudah memahami homophone dan bisa mempraktikkan pronunciationnya, coba baca contoh-contoh homophone di bawah ini. Kamu bisa mempraktikkan cara bacanya bersama teman atau saudaramu di rumah.

Ad, Add
Aerie, Airy
Ail, Ale
Air, Heir
Aisle, Isle
All, Awl
Allowed, Aloud
Altar, Alter
Arc, Ark
Ascent, Assent
Ate, Eight
Attendance, Attendants
Aural, Oral
Axes, Axis
Aye, Eye
Bail, Bale
Baited, Bated
Bald, Bawled
Ball, Bawl
Band, Banned
Bard, Barred
Bare, Bear
Baron, Barren
Base, Bass
Based, Baste
Be, Bee
Beach, Beech
Beat, Beet
Beau, Bow
Beer, Bier
Bell, Belle
Berry, Bury
Berth, Birth
Billed, Build
Blew, Blue
Bloc, Block
Boar, Bore
Board, Bored
Boarder, Border
Bold, Bowled
Bolder, Boulder
Bootie, Booty
Born, Borne
Burro, Burrow
Bough, Bow
Braid, Brayed
Brake, Break
Bread, Bred
Brewed, Brood
Brews, Bruise
Bridal, Bridle
Broach, Brooch
Brows, Browse
But, Butt
Buy, Bye
Caddie, Caddy
Callous, Callus
Canon, Cannon
Canter, Cantor
Canvas, Canvass
Capital, Capitol
Carat, Carrot
Carol, Carrel
Cast, Caste
Cede, Seed
Ceiling, Sealing
Cell, Sell
Cellar, Seller
Censor, Sensor
Cent, Scent
Cereal, Serial
Cession, Session
Chance, Chants
Chased, Chaste
Cheap, Cheep
Chews, Choose
Chic, Sheik
Chili, Chilly
Choir, Quire
Choral, Coral
Chord, Cored
Chute, Shoot
Cite, Sight
Clause, Claws
Close, Clothes
Coarse, Course
Colonel, Kernel
Complement, Compliment
Council, Counsel
Coward, Cowered
Creak, Creek
Crewel, Cruel
Crews, Cruise
Cue, Queue
Currant, Current
Cygnet, Signet
Cymbal, Symbol
Dam, Damn
Days, Daze
Dear, Deer
Dense, Dents
Desert, Dessert
Dew, Due
Die, Dye
Disburse, Disperse
Discreet, Discrete
Doe, Dough
Does, Doze
Done, Dun
Dual, Duel
Dyeing, Dying
Earn, Urn
Eave, Eve
Eek, Eke
Eight, Ate
Ewe, You
Ewes, Yews
Eye, Aye
Eyelet, Islet
Faint, Feint
Fair, Fare
Faun, Fawn
Faze, Phase
Feat, Feet
Fined, Find
Fir, Fur
Fisher, Fissure
Flair, Flare
Flea, Flee
Flew, Flue
Floe, Flow
Flour, Flower
Foaled, Fold
For, Four
Foreword, Forward
Forth, Fourth
Foul, Fowl
Franc, Frank
Frays, Phrase
Freeze, Frieze
Friar, Fryer
Gaff, Gaffe
Gait, Gate
Gamble, Gambol
Genes, Jeans
Gibe, Jibe
Gild, Guild
Gilt, Guilt
Knew, New
Gofer, Gopher
Gorilla, Guerrilla
Gourd, Gored
Grate, Great
Grill, Grille
Grisly, Grizzly
Groan, Grown
Guessed, Guest
Guise, Guys
Hail, Hale
Hair, Hare
Hall, Haul
Hangar, Hanger
Hart, Heart
Hay, Hey
Heal, Heel
Hear, Here
Heard, Herd
Heir, Air
Heroin, Heroine
Hew, Hue
Hi, High
Him, Hymn
Ho, Hoe
Hoard, Horde
Hoarse, Horse
Hoes, Hose
Hole, Whole
Holy, Wholly
Hostel, Hostile
Hour, Our
Idle, Idol
In, Inn
Incidence, Incidents
Intense, Intents
Isle, Aisle
Islet, Eyelet
Jam, Jamb
Jeans, Genes
Jibe, Gibe
Kernel, Colonel
Knave, Nave
Knead, Need
Knew, New
Knight, Night
Knit, Nit
Knot, Not
Know, No
Knows, Nose
Lacks, Lax
Lain, Lane
Lama, Llama
Laps, Lapse
Lay, Lei
Leach, Leech
Lead, Led
Leak, Leek
Lean, Lien
Leased, Least
Lessen, Lesson
Levee, Levy
Lie, Lye
Links, Lynx
Lo, Low
Load, Lode
Loan, Lone
Locks, Lox
Loot, Lute
Made, Maid
Mail, Male
Main, Mane
Maize, Maze
Mall, Maul
Manner, Manor
Mantel, Mantle
Marshal, Martial
Mask, Masque
Massed, Mast
Meat, Meet
Medal, Meddle
Metal, Mettle
Mewl, Mule
Mews, Muse
Might, Mite
Mince, Mints
Mind, Mined
Miner, Minor
Missal, Missile
Missed, Mist
Moan, Mown
Moose, Mousse
Morning, Mourning
Muscle, Mussel
Mustard, Mustered
Naval, Navel
Nave, Knave
Nay, Neigh
Need, Knead
New, Gnu
Nicks, Nix
Night, Knight
Nit, Knit
No, Know
None, Nun
Nose, Knows
Not, Knot
Oar, Ore
Ode, Owed
Oh, Owe
One, Won
Oral, Aural
Our, Hour
Paced, Paste
Packed, Pact
Pail, Pale
Pain, Pane
Pair, Pear
Palette, Pallet
Passed, Past
Patience, Patients
Pause, Paws
Peace, Piece
Peak, Peek
Peal, Peel
Pearl, Purl
Pedal, Peddle
Peer, Pier
Phase, Faze
Phrase, Frays
Plain, Plane
Plait, Plate
Pleas, Please
Plum, Plumb
Pole, Poll
Pore, Pour
Praise, Prays
Presence, Presents
Pride, Pried
Pries, Prize
Primer, Primmer
Prince, Prints
Principal, Principle
Profit, Prophet
Quarts, Quartz
Queue, Cue
Quire, Choir
Rabbet, Rabbit
Rain, Reign
Raise, Rays
Rap, Wrap
Rapt, Wrapped
Real, Reel
Red, Read
Read, Reed
Reek, Wreak
Residence, Residents
Rest, Wrest
Retch, Wretch
Review, Revue
Right, Write
Ring, Wring
Road, Rowed
Roe, Row
Role, Roll
Roomer, Rumour
Root, Route
Rose, Rows
Rote, Wrote
Rouse, Rows
Rude, Rued
Rung, Wrung
Rye, Wry
Sac, Sack
Sail, Sale
Sane, Seine
Saver, Savour
Scene, Seen
Scent, Sent
Scull, Skull
Sea, See
Sealing, Ceiling
Seam, Seem
Seas, Seize
Seed, Cede
Sell, Cell
Seller, Cellar
Sensor, Censor
Serf, Surf
Serge, Surge
Serial, Cereal
Session, Cession
Sew, Sow
Shearn, Sheer
Sheik, Chic
Shoe, Shoo
Shone, Shown
Shoot, Chute
Sic, Sick
Side, Sighed
Sighs, Size
Sight, Cite
Signet, Cygnet
Slay, Sleigh
Sleight, Slight
Soar, Sore
Soared, Sword
Sole, Soul
Soled, Sold
Some, Sum
Son, Sun
Staid, Stayed
Stairs, Stares
Stake, Steak
Stationary, Stationery
Steal, Steel
Step, Steppe
Stile, Style
Straight, Strait
Succour, Sucker
Suite, Sweet
Symbol, Cymbal
Tacked, Tact
Tacks, Tax
Tail, Tale
Taper, Tapir
Taught, Taut
Tea, Tee
Team, Teem
Tear, Tier
Teas, Tease
Tense, Tents
Tern, Turn
Their, There
Threw, Through
Throes, Throws
Throne, Thrown
Thyme, Time
Tic, Tick
Tide, Tied
Too, Two
Toad, Towed
Toe, Tow
Told, Tolled
Tracked, Tract
Troop, Troupe
Trussed, Trust
Undo, Undue
Urn, Earn
Use, Yews
Vain, Vein
Vale, Veil
Vice, Vise
Wade, Weighed
Waist, Waste
Wait, Weight
Waive, Wave
Wares, Wears
Warn, Worn
Way, Weigh
We, Wee
Weak, Week
Whole, Hole
Wholly, Holy
Won, One
Wood, Would
Wrap, Rap
Wrapped, Rapped
Wreak, Reek
Wrest, Rest
Wretch, Retch
Wring, Ring
Write, Right
Wrote, Rote
Wrung, Rung
Wry, Rye
Yew, You
Yews, Use
Yoke, Yolk


Itulah pengertian homophone disertai contohnya untukmu, LCers! Kalau kamu ingin belajar bahasa Inggris dengan lebih intensive lagi, sini cepat datang ke Kampung Inggris LC! Para  teacher di sini udah terbukti jago bahasa Inggris semua, dan siap membuat kamu sama jagonya!

Kalau kamu belum sempat kursus ke Kampung Inggris LC, oke dah, coba belajar otodidak dulu ya. Klik langsung ke materi keren satu ini: Kosakata Bahasa Inggris yang Jarang Digunakan

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