
Pengertian Perfect Continuous Tense Disertai Rumus dan Contoh

pengertian perfect continuous tense

Setelah mempelajari simple tense, continuous tense, dan perfect tense tempo hari, kali ini kita akan membahas part terakhir dari tenses, yaitu perfect continuous tense. Bisa dibilang, ini merupakan materi tenses pokok yang tersulit di antara semuanya. Tapi kamu nggak usah khawatir, karena Kampung Inggris LC akan memberikan informasi lengkap tentang pengertian perfect continuous tense, rumus, dan contohnya untukmu.

Kursus Bahasa Inggris

Pengertian Perfect Continuous Tense

Sebenarnya, cara memahami 16 tenses cukup mudah, asal kita paham pola kalimatnya. Sebenarnya ada empat pola pokok tenses, yaitu simple, continuous, perfect, dan perfect continuous.

Simple digunakan untuk menerangkan kejadian di masa lalu, masa sekarang, dan masa depan dengan sederhana. Continuous untuk menerangkan sesuatu yang sedang dilakukan, baik di masa lalu, masa sekarang, dan masa depan.

Perfect untuk menerangkan sesuatu yang sudah selesai dilakukan, dan perfect continuous untuk menerangkan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi dan masih terjadi sampai sekarang.

Selama kamu mengingat pengertian empat tenses pokok tersebut, kamu pasti bisa memahami keseluruhan 16 tenses dengan baik. Selanjutnya, mari kita bahas rumus perfect continuous tense dan contoh-contohnya.

Rumus Perfect Continuous Tense Disertai Contoh

Asal kamu mengingat pengertian perfect continuous tense seperti yang telah disebutkan, kamu pasti bisa memahami dan menghafalkan rumus di bawah ini dengan mudah.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present perfect continuous tense adalah bentuk pertama perfect continuous yang bisa kamu pakai untuk menerangkan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi dan masih terjadi sampai saat ini. Artinya pada saat diucapkan, kegiatan/peristiwa tersebut sudah terjadi beberapa waktu lalu dan masih berlangsung sampai saat ini.

Supaya lebih jelas, berikut ini rumus present perfect continuous tense disertai dengan contoh-contohnya.


Positive (+)
Subject + have/has + been + V-Ing
Negative (-)
Subject + have/has + not + been + V-Ing
Interrogative (?)
Have/Has + Subject + been + V-Ing


  • We have been waiting the train for 2 hours (+)
  • We haven’t been waiting the train for 2 hours (-)
  • Have we been waiting the train for 2 hours? (?)


  • She has been watching since morning (+)
  • She hasn’t been watching since morning (-)
  • Has she been watching since morning? (?)


  • You have been fighting for me this whole year (+)
  • You haven’t been fighting for me this whole year (-)
  • Have you been fighting for me this whole year? (?)


Positive (+)
Subject + have/has + been + being + nominal
Negative (-)
Subject + have/has + not + been + being + nominal
Interrogative (?)
Have/Has + Subject + been + being + nominal


  • Harry Potter has been being a phenomenon in the world (+)
  • Harry Potter hasn’t been being a phenomenon in the world (-)
  • Has Harry Potter been being a phenomenon in the world? (?)


  • MIT has been being the best college for engineers (+)
  • MIT hasn’t been being the best college for engineers (-)
  • Has MIT been being the best college for engineers? (?)


  • You have been being an assistant lecturer for 2 months (+)
  • You haven’t been being an assistant lecturer for 2 months (-)
  • Have you been being an assistant lecturer for 2 months? (?)

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past perfect continuous tense adalah bentuk tenses yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk menerangkan sesuatu yang sedang terjadi/dilakukan, tetapi sesuatu itu dilakukan di masa lalu.

Misalnya kamu sedang menceritakan pengalamanmu saat berlibur ke Jakarta dua minggu lalu. Lalu kamu menceritakan bagaimana kamu menghabiskan waktu dua jam untuk menunggu kereta. Kamu bisa menggunakan bentuk past perfect continuous tense untuk menceritakan hal tersebut.

Supaya lebih jelas, kamu bisa memahami rumus past perfect continuous tense beserta contohnya di bawah ini.


Positive (+)
Subject + had + been + V-Ing
Negative (-)
Subject + had + not + been + V-Ing
Interrogative (?)
Had + Subject + been + V-Ing


  • She had been waiting for her husband to come when she was alive (+)
  • She hadn’t been waiting for her husband to come when she was alive (-)
  • Had she been waiting for her husband to come when she was alive? (?)


  • I had been drinking Nanda’s soda when he found out me doing so (+)
  • I hadn’t been drinking Nanda’s soda when he found out me doing so (-)
  • Had I been drinking Nanda’s soda when he found out me doing so? (?)


  • They had been throwing the confetti when he came (+)
  • They had been throwing the confetti when he came (-)
  • Had they been throwing the confetti when he came? (?)


Positive (+)
Subject + had + been + being + nominal
Negative (-)
Subject + had + not + been + being + nominal
Interrogative (?)
Had + Subject + been + being + nominal


  • Chernobyl radiation had been being the most tragic nuclear accident in 1986 (+)
  • Chernobyl radiation hadn’t been being the most tragic nuclear accident in 1986 (-)
  • Had Chernobyl radiation been being the most tragic nuclear accident in 1986? (?)


  • Jenderal Soedirman had been being the Indonesia’s army general before Indonesia’s independence (+)
  • Jenderal Soedirman hadn’t been being the Indonesia’s army general before Indonesia’s independence (-)
  • Had Jenderal Soedirman been being the Indonesia’s army general before Indonesia’s independence? (?)


  • Father had been being a soldier when I was born (+)
  • Father hadn’t been being a soldier when I was born (-)
  • Had father been being a soldier when I was born? (?)

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Future perfect continuous tense adalah salah satu bagian dari perfect continuous tense yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah dan sedang dilakukan di masa depan.

Misalnya ada temanmu yang menanyakan apa yang akan kamu lakukan pada pukul 5 nanti sore. Kamu menjawab di waktu itu kamu mungkin sedang mengemudi ke suatu tempat. Kamu bisa menjawabnya dalam bahasa Inggris dengan bentuk future perfect continuous tense.

Supaya lebih jelas, berikut ini rumus future perfect continuous tense beserta contohnya untukmu.


Positive (+)
Subject + will + have + been + V-Ing
Negative (-)
Subject + will + not + have + been + V-Ing
Interrogative (?)
Will + Subject + have + been + V-Ing


  • I will have been driving to Surabaya in the mean time (+)
  • I won’t have been driving to Surabaya in the mean time (-)
  • Will I have been driving to Surabaya in the mean time? (?)


  • She will have been leaving when you come here later (+)
  • She won’t have been leaving when you come here later (-)
  • Will she have been leaving when you come here later? (?)


  • We will have been returning home when the storm comes (+)
  • We will have been returning home when the storm comes (-)
  • Will we have been returning home when the storm comes? (?)


Positive (+)
Subject + will + have + been + being + nominal
Negative (-)
Subject + will + not + have + been + being + nominal
Interrogative (?)
Will + Subject + have + been + being + nominal


  • I will have been being a president 10 years later (+)
  • I won’t have been being a president 10 years later (-)
  • Will I have been being a president 10 years later? (?)


  • She will have been being married to that doctor if you keep waiting (+)
  • She won’t have been being married to that doctor if you keep waiting (-)
  • Will she have been being married to that doctor if you keep waiting? (?)


  • They will have been being the champion of this competition when you come (+)
  • They won’t have been being the champion of this competition when you come (-)
  • Will they have been being the champion of this competition when you come? (?)

Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Ini merupakan bagian terakhir dari pembahasan ini ya, LCers, akan tetapi ini juga yang tersulit dari semuanya. Past future perfect continuous tense adalah bagian dari perfect continuous tense yang bisa kamu pakai untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang mungkin sudah akan terjadi di masa lalu.

Jadi sama seperti bentuk past future lainnya, kalimat yang menggunakan format past future perfect continuous tense adalah kalimat pengandaian. Supaya lebih jelas, berikut ini rumus past future perfect continuous tense disertai contoh-contohnya.


Positive (+)
Subject + would + have + been + V-Ing
Negative (-)
Subject + would + not + have + been + V-Ing
Interrogative (?)
Would + Subject + have + been + V-Ing


  • One Direction would have been getting their third movie if Zayn didn’t draw back (+)
  • One Direction wouldn’t have been getting their third movie if Zayn drew back (-)
  • Would One Direction have been getting their third movie if Zayn didn’t draw back? (?)


  • He would have been living with his cruel stepmother if he didn’t escape (+)
  • He wouldn’t have been living with his cruel stepmother if he escaped (-)
  • Would he have been living with his cruel stepmother if he didn’t escape? (?)


  • I would have been proposing you if we were still together (+)
  • I wouldn’t have been proposing you if we were still together (-)
  • Would I have been proposing you if we were still together? (?)


Positive (+)
Subject + would + have + been + being + nominal
Negative (-)
Subject + would + not + have + been + being + nominal
Interrogative (?)
Would + Subject + have + been + being + nominal


  • He would have been being the elected president if his opposition didn’t do the coup d’etat (+)
  • He wouldn’t have been being the elected president if his opposition didn’t do the coup d’etat (-)
  • Would he have been being the elected president if his opposition didn’t do the coup d’etat? (?)


  • They would have been being the champ of Premier League if they played well (+)
  • They wouldn’t have been being the champ of Premier League if they played well (-)
  • Would they have been being the champ of Premier League if they played well? (?)


  • You would have been being the best pupil if you didn’t like to skip classes (+)
  • You wouldn’t have been being the best pupil if you liked to skip classes (-)
  • Would you have been being the best pupil if you didn’t like to skip classes? (?)


Itulah pembahasan lengkap mengenai pengertian perfect continuous tense disertai rumus dan contohnya. Jadi kamu tidak usah bingung lagi ya sekarang, kan sudah lengkap pembahasan tenses dari Kampung Inggris LC!

Kalau kamu ingin belajar lebih dalam lagi tentang simple tense, perfect tense, continuous, dan perfect continuous, langsung datang ke Kampung Inggris Pare ya! Di sini, kamu bisa belajar tenses lengkap langsung dengan tutor yang muda dan jenius, jadi segera ke sini ya!

Untuk materi lain yang lebih komprehensif tentang 16 tenses, kamu bisa klik langsung ke materi berikut: 16 Tenses Lengkap dengan Rumus dan Contoh

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